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A member registered Nov 04, 2019

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(1 edit)

I've played two routes so far and I really enjoy this game. I've only had two real gripes so far - that one week is not enough time to fall in love, but despite this I felt the progression was natural. Just too fast, but it's a short game so I can ignore that. 

only other one is that I found it weird there has been no name reveals? Even in the ending scenes, we are still calling the by usernames and it's just very strange. 

Overall really great work here, just wanted to offer the nit picky things I thought of.

Edit: I have finished all of them now, and I loved each one so much! This makes me really want to see how you could flex those writing muscles in an even longer game. There is a really wholesome and unique style to the whole story and I just love it so much. The artwork is also fantastic. I wanted to also say that you guys really nailed down the emotions and vibe of having friends online, and even falling for someone through such a platform. I've been there, done that, and it all felt so nostalgic to me. 

I really look forward to any future projects. This was a true gem in the genre. :)